5 posts for 5 type classifications


Remember to name the blog post after the typeface

post 4 designs for each typeface



two larger than 1296 (converted from type to shapes)

highlight the unique characteristics of the letterform and the typeface

keep in mind the contrast between form and counter-form

note the point at which the letterform is no longer recognizable

(one of the points of the exercise is to find that moment when the letterform no longer reads, make sure you push one design to that point)


Old Style:



Other examples of Old Style Typefaces:

Adobe Caslon Pro


Garamond Premier Pro


Adobe Garamond Pro


Goudy Old Style

Goudy Old Style

and more:

Dante, Adobe Jenson, Palatino

Aldine, Bembo, Caslon, Dante, Galliard, Palatino, Plantin, Sabon




Other examples of transitional typefaces:



Times New Roman



Bulmer, Cochin, Fairfield, Janson Text, Mrs Eaves, Usherwood, Veljovic Book, Zapf International




Other examples of modern typefaces:

Modern No. 20

Bodoni, Didot

Bernhard Modern, Fenice, Filosophia, Modern, Modern Wide, Torino, Waldbaum


Slab Serif:

Century Schoolbook


Other examples of Egyptian typefaces:

Century, 1894

Clarendon, Rockwell

City, Egyptian, Glypha, Lubalin Graph, Quadraat, Serifa, Stymie, Swift

Sans Serif:



Other examples of San Serif typefaces:

Franklin Gothic Book

Franklin Gothic Medium


Gill Sans

Grotesque, Franklin Gothic, Frutiger, Meta, News Gothic, Optima, Syntax, Trade Gothic

Akzidenz Grotesque, Meta, Scala Sans, Univers


type terminology lexicon from a type primer, John Cane, Prentice Hall, 2003:

Baseline-The imaginary line defining the visual base of the letterforms.

Median-The imaginary line define the x-height of the letterforms.

X-height-The height in any typeface of the lowercase 'x'.

Stroke-Any line that defines the basic letterform.

Apex/Vertex-The point created by joining two diagonal stems(apex above, vertex below).

Arm-Short strokes off the stem of the letterform.

Ascender-The portion of the stem of a lowercase letterform that projects above the median.

Barb-The half-serif finish on some curved strokes.

Beak-The half-serif finish on some horizontal arms.

Bowl-The rounded form that describes a counter. The bowl may be either open or closed.

Bracket-The transition between the serif and the stem

Counter-The negative space within a letterform, either fully or partially closed.

Cross Bar-The horizontal stroke in a letterform that joins two stems together.

Cross Stroke-The horizontal stroke in a letterform that intersects the stem

Crotch-The interior space where two strokes meet

Descender-The portion of a stem of a lowercase letterform that projects below the baseline

Ear-The stroke extending out from the main stem or body of the letterform.

Em/en-Originally referring to the width of an uppercase M, an em is now the distance equal to the size of the typeface(an em in 48 pt. type is 48 points) An en is half the size of an em.

Finial-The rounded non-serif terminal to a stroke.

Leg-Short stroke off the stem of the letterform, either at the bottom of the stroke or inclined downward.

Ligature-The character formed by the combination of two or more letterforms.

Link-The stroke that connects the bowl and the loop.

Loop-The bowl created in the descender of the lowercase G.

Serif-The right angled or oblique foot at the end of the stroke.

Shoulder-The curved stroke that is not part of a bowl.

Spine-The curved stem of the S.

Spur-The extension that articulates the junction of a curved and rectilinear stroke.

Stem-The significant vertical or oblique stroke.

Stress-The orientation of the letterform, indicated by the thin stroke in round forms.

Swash-The flourish that extends of the stroke of a letterform.

Tail-The curved or diagonal stroke at the finish if certain letterforms.

Terminal-The self-contained finish of a stroke without a serif, a catch-all term.

Type Anatomy